lifting magnets |
hand operated plate lifter |
The plate lifter is a manually operated permanent lifting magnet for manually lifting light loads.
The plate lifter is ideal for picking up thin sheets from a stack and helps prevent injury to fingers as they are not in direct contact with the sheet.
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Datasheet - Hand Magnets
Lifting Magnets |
Permanent lifting magnets |

Permanent lifting magnets provide a quick, cost effective solution for lifting ferrous metal parts including plate and sheets. Benefits include:
* Easy to fit
* One man operation
* No power required
Permanent lifting magnets are sensitive to air gaps. This means when the air gap between the load and lifter increases, the magnetic force will decrease considerably. The handling of loads with a rough and uneven surface is therefore restricted. Typically these magnets are used individually on in pairs on a short beam.
The manual supplied with each magnet provides detailed information of its capacities under various conditions and plate thicknesses.
The UL is supplied with a non ferrous safety shim that can be used to create an air gap between the magnet and the product in order to carry out a 'test lift'. If the magnet lifts the item then the shim can be removed and a safety factor of 3:1 is then guaranteed.
Maximum workload limit is 5000 kg.
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Datasheet - ULE
Datasheet - UL c/w Safety Shim
lifting magnets |
permanent lifting magnets |
The Revolift has a unique Load Test feature that takes lifting magnets to a new level of safety
It works by having the option to carry out a test of an item that you are unsure about. Maybe the surface is rough, maybe a thin wall or unknown material.
A Load Test is conducted by positioning the handle in its Load Test Function position and then trying to lift the item just off the ground.
If sucessful, this guarantees a safe lift with the handle in its normal position.
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Datasheet - Revolift
Lifting Magnets - TP |
for thin plate and manipulation |
The TP permanent lifting magnets are specifically designed to lift thin plate from 5 mm.
Capacity: 150 & 300 kg
Complies with UNI EN 13155.
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Datasheet - TP
Lifting Magnets - LF |
for thin plate and manipulation |
The LF series of permanent lifting magnets are used to lift loads from the horizontal to vertical and vice-versa by using a special lifting arm fitted to the magnet.
The lifting arm has a pair of pins at the bottom that support the sheet when in the vertical plane.
Suitable for loading and unloading of horizontal machining centres and lathes.
The magnet is adjustable along the arm to suit a range of load diameters or widths.
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How it works...
Datasheet - LF
Lifting Magnets |
Electro-Permanent lifting magnets |

What are Electro-Permanent Lifting Magnets?
Electro-Permanent (EP) lifting magnets incorporate permanent magnets in conjunction with steel parts. The permanent magnets provide the power for an indefinite period of time.
An external power source is not required which means that electro-permanent lifting magnets cannot loose their power due to a mains power failure. The magnetic power of an electro-permanent lifting magnet is turned ON and OFF by means of electricity with a short current surge. After that the magnet could be disconnected from the control and be used as a "self contained" device.
Datasheet - EP
General aspects and application of Electro-Permanent Lifting Magnets
Electro-permanent lifting magnets create a strong but, relative to electromagnets, low magnetic field. Therefore they are rather sensitive to air gaps-. When the air gap between load and lifter increases, the magnetic force will decrease considerably. Handling of loads with a rough and uneven surface is therefore restricted. Because of the electric operation of this type of magnet it is very convenient for use in multiple on a beam. They can be operated from a distance. EPH series are used individually.
Maximum workload limit is 750 kg (Rating factor 3). EPHD series are used in multiple, suspended from a beam.
The manual supplied with each magnet provides detailed information of its capacities under various conditions.
The advantages of Electro-Permanent Lifting Magnets
Lifting Magnets |
Battery lifting magnets |

What are Battery Lifting Magnets?
Battery Powered lifting magnets are electro-magnets carrying their own power source, a 12 V battery. The battery provides the power for approx. 8 hours. Due to the integration of the battery and a controller/charger unit these devices are self contained and have no restricting power cables. Moreover, the risk of sudden power loss due to a power source failure is virtually non existent.
The magnetic power of our Battery Lifting Magnet is turned ON and OFF by means of a controller which incorporates visual and audible warning signals to indicate low battery.
Remote control is optional.
Datasheet - Battery
General aspects and application of Battery Lifting Magnets
Battery lifting magnets create a strong and deeper magnetic field than permanent lifting magnets. Therefore they are less sensitive to air gaps and can also handle loads with a rough and uneven surface. Because of the electric operation, this type of magnet can be used in multiple on a beam, remotely operated by a common controller. Typically these magnets are used individually. Maximum workload limit is 5000 kg (Rating factor 2). The manual supplied with each magnet provides detailed information of its capacities under various conditions.
The advantages of Battery Lifting Magnets
Lifting Magnets |
Electro (Electric) lifting magnets |

What are Electro (Electric) Lifting Magnets?
Electro lifting magnets incorporate a coil in conjunction with steel parts. Electric current provided to the coil generates power until the current is cut off. An external power source is required which implies that electro-magnets can loose their power due to a mains power failure or cable breakage. The magnetic power of an electro-magnet is turned ON and OFF and controlled by means of a controller. Variable power and demagnetizing belong to the possibilities.
Remote control is optional.
General aspects and application of Electro (Electric) Lifting Magnets
Electro lifting magnets create a strong and deep magnetic field. Therefore they have a low sensitivity to air gaps. Handling of loads with a rough and uneven surface shouldn't be a problem. Because of the electric operation of this type of magnet it is very convenient for use in multiple on a beam. They can be operated from a distance. There is a wide variety of electric lifting magnets, for steel mills, scrap yards, plate or bundle handling. In this section we only address a special version for moving loose materials. The manual supplied with each magnet provides detailed information of its capacities under various conditions.
The advantages of Electro (Electric) Lifting Magnets