| Access Platforms Supplied for one or two man use.Anti-trap hand rail and high back guardPositive fixing to truck forksNo tool loss off platform due to deep kick railSide rails have high impact resistanceNon slip floor with drain holesSelf-closing gate that locks automatically on raising platformIntegral safety harness railConforms to PM28 2nd Edition.
 | Podium Steps A range of mobile, folding Podium Steps, each fitted with an all round lockable guardrail system with non slip platform. Fits through a standard doorway.
 | Telescopic Ladder Folds quickly & easily for compact storage.Manufactured in strong aluminium.Certified to EN 131 standard.
 | Step Ladders A range of Altrex and Svelt step ladders covering domestic and professional useage to suit a variety of working heights.
 | Step Ladders Glass Fibre Three ranges of glass fibre step ladders for use for electrical work.Insulated to 30,000 voltsCertified to EN 131 Professional
 | Access Towers A range of mobile access scaffold towers to suit low, medium and high level applications.