 | Access Platforms Supplied for one or two man use.Anti-trap hand rail and high back guardPositive fixing to truck forksNo tool loss off platform due to deep kick railSide rails have high impact resistanceNon slip floor with drain holesSelf-closing gate that locks automatically on raising platformIntegral safety harness railConforms to PM28 2nd Edition.
 | Anchors A variety of devices to provide an anchor point for fall arrest applications.
 | Fall Arrest Blocks A robust range of fall arrest blocks and fall arrest retrieval blocks manufactured to the highest standards.
 | Guard Rails EN 14122 Our free standing guard rail is a system compatible with all new and existing terrace roof configurations.
 | Safety Helmet The TR2000 is a new innovative height safety helmet that is easily adjustable, comfortable and available with a variety of accessories.
 | Lanyards Fall arrest and fall restraint lanyards to form the connection between the operator's safety harness and the anchor point.
 | Load Arrestors - Material Goods A range of G. Guard load arrestors design for material goods, suitable as a secondary safety device for static or moving loads.Capacity: 150, 300, 500, 1000 & 1500 kgStainless steel cable also available.
 | Ropes and Rope Grabs A small and compact rope grab mechanism, ideal for use as fall prevention on a sloping or flat roof or on a vertical application such as a ladder.
 | Safety Harnesses A range of single and multi point safety harnesses to suit most applications.
 | Temporary Lifelines For use where it is impossible or impractical to install a fixed protection system.